Are you in charge of the referral strategy at your bank or credit union? This can be a big job, which means having excellent tools to help can make it much less stressful. You want to make sure that everything is being done the way it should be so that your referrals lead to more business and a better outcome for your bank.

That’s where FinancialRefer comes in. This system, built by professionals who understand the financial industry, is built specifically for banks and credit unions. This system is billed as “referral tracking software for banks & credit unions” and it works to make the process of tracking referrals so simple that anyone could do it.

Referral Tracking

What FinancialRefer does is track referrals between departments and staffs located in your bank or credit union. However, it goes beyond simply tracking the numbers. You can send and receive referrals through this robust system, as well. The management at your financial institution can look at any time to see which members of your team are doing the referring. You can also see how your referral efforts are going across the bank.

Reports & Insights

In addition to offering referral tracking, there is also a reporting system built right in. This lets those who are in charge run reports and print out data. This can then be used to provide staff with an idea of how their referral statistics look and what sort of outcome is coming of your program. Managers will also be provided with a weekly email that gives the latest report.

Weekly Staff Emails

Management will have reports through email, but so will your other team members. On a weekly basis you can expect each team member to receive an email outlining the referrals that they have sent out and received. This is an excellent opportunity to create competitions and keep staff on task and constantly aware of how important referrals are.

Email Notifications

In addition to the weekly emails, team members will also receive individual emails anytime that they receive a referral. This email will have all the needed information to take action, including the person’s name, their contact information, and where the referral came from. This makes it easy to know where to check up on things and move forward, without guessing on when a referral is available.

Customized System

With FinancialRefer, you are getting a system that has been customized specifically for credit unions and banks who use referral programs. Everything you need is present from the get-go. However, on top of that, the people at FinancialRefer also allow complete customization. You can change what is seen on a referral form, customize the reports that print out, and much more.

Secure Referral Data

While your team won’t be sending out private account information, it’s still important that software in a financial institution is secure. That’s taken care of with FinancialRefer. They use SAS Type II audited servers and every piece of data that is sent through is encrypted. You will never have to worry about someone gaining access that shouldn’t be there in the first place.

Opportunity Tips

You can incorporate tips and tricks with a weekly tips email to your staff. This can help them better understand opportunities and special events that might be taking place. By providing tricks and tips, you can ensure each team member has the same information and is capable of the same sort of referral gaining.

All in all, FinancialRefer offers a great system for banks and credit unions to succeed.